Subject: Griswold v. Connecticut Author: CourtTV9 Uploaded By: CourtTV9 Date: 6/14/1995 File: GRIS.TXT (34145 bytes) Estimated Download Time (53797 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 418 This is a set of documents pertaining to Griswold v. Connecticut, the 1965 Supreme Court decision that struck down Connecticut's ban on birth control and paved the way for Roe v. Wade. The seven documents -- reproduced as they appear in their original form, complete with typos -- show that lawyers carefully contemplated to present the perfect case. Planned Parenthood League of Connecticut Inc. has kindly permitted American Lawyer Media to reproduce them. The documents have been numbered one to seven: 1. Procedural Suggestions for Raising the Birth Control Issue (Brodley - Etherington - Yale Law School) May 25, 1950. 2. Requirements for a Test Case (firm of Wiggin & Dana) (1949). 3. Memorandum from Hartford attorneys John H. Riege and Buist Anderson to the Planned Parenthood League of Connecticut, Inc., re: possible legal actions (1955). 4. Letter from Hartford attorney Bruce W. Manternach, of Hartford's Robinson, Robinson & Cole, to Planned Parenthood League of Connecticut Inc., submitting a final statement (Aug. 1, 1958). 5. Letter from New York attorney Harriet Pilpel to Yale Law School Professor Fowler V. Harper, critiquing a brief (July 6, 1959). 6. Letter from Fifield Workum, of New York's Simpson, Thacher & Bartlett, to Dr. William Vogt, of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, critiquing a brief (July 8, 1959). 7. Letter from New Haven attorney Catherine G. Roraback to John de J. Pemberton Jr., executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union, discouraging national organizations' submission of amici briefs in Connecticut courts (April 22, 1963).